MinorLit Dimensions
MinorLit Technical specifications
tiles | steps | tactile paving | colours
The following dimensions, surfaces and colours are standard products.
Special dimensions, -surfaces and -colours are available upon request.
All dimensions: top/bottom x top/bottom x thickness (subject to change).
Tiles [top]
Smooth surface:
Square tiles 297/299 x 297/299 x 18-25 (28) mm
296/298 x 296/298 x 28-50mm
395/397 x 395/397 x 18-25 (28)mm
443/445 x 443/445 x 18-25mm
488/490 x 488/490 x 18-25mm
494/496 x 494/496 x 28-50mm
494/496 x 494/496 x 28-50mm (with grooves)
597/599 x 597/599 x 22-25mm
688/690 x 688/690 x 22-25mm
Rectangular tiles
198/200 x 597/599 x 28mm
245/247 x 495/497 x 18-25mm
248/250 x 688/690 x 18-25mm
290/292 x 490/492 x 28mm
295/297 x 595/597 x 28-50mm
297/299 x 595/597 x 18-25mm
297/299 x 597/599 x 28mm (guiding tiles for the blind with grooved runway)
297/299 x 890/892 x 18-25mm
299/301 x 699/701 x 18-25mm
445/447 x 495/497 x 18-25mm
477/479 x 757/759 x 28mm (guiding tiles for the blind with dots)
495/497 x 895/897 x 22-25 (28) mm
520/522 x 895/897 x 22-25 (28) mm
520/522 x 998/1000 x 25mm
597/599 x 748/750 x 25mm
200 x 1300 x 22-28mm
298/300 x 1298/1300 x 25mm
348/350 x 1498/1500 x 28mm
348/350 x 1598/1600 x 28mm
350/352 x 1298/1300 x 26-28mm
448/450 x 1298/1300 x 25mm
600/602 x 1200/1202 x 28m
Rough surface:
Square tiles
295/297 x 295/297 x 28mm (surface R11)
297/299 x 297/299 x 28-50mm
393/395 x 393/395 x 25mm (´hedge-pattern´)
395/397 x 395/397 x 18-25mm
396/398 x 396/398 x 28mm (´tear-pattern´)
494/496 x 494/496 x 28-50mm
597/599 x 597/599 x 22-25mm
494/497 x 494/497 x 80mm
494/496 x 494/496 x 50mm (with grooves)
Rectangular tiles
248/250 x 688/690 x 28mm (with light ´scar´)
297/299 x 597/599 x 28mm
297/299 x 597/599 x 50mm
299/301 x 699/701 x 18-25mm
440/442 x 920/922 x 50mm
440/444 x 920/924 x 80mm
492/496 x 742/746 x 50-80mm
597/599 x 897/899 x 28mm
300/302 x 1350/1352 x 28mm
Steps [top]
Steps with slide suspension grooves | R9 - R10 - R11 | risers R9
258/260 x 1198/1200 x 26mm (R9)
286/288 x 386/388 x 28mm (R9)
162/164 x 386/388 x 28mm
166/168 x 595/596 x 28mm
297/299 x 970/972 x 28mm (R9)
297/299 x 988/990 x 40mm (R9)
297/299 x 988/990 x 40mm (R9 - guiding tile for the blind)
135/137 x 988/990 x 28mm
297/299 x 1100/1102 x 28mm (R9)
139/141 x 1100/1102 x 28mm
297/299 x 1168/1170 x 40mm (R9)
148/150 x 1168/1170 x 28mm
297/299 x 1353/1355 x 40mm (R9)
297/299 x 1353/1355 x 40mm (R9 - guiding tile for the blind)
135/137 x 1353/1355 x 28mm
297/299 x 1398/1400 x 28mm (R9)
162/164 x 1398/1400 x 28mm
308/310 x 598/600 x 28mm (R10)
126 x 600 x 28mm
308/310 x 1233/1235 x 40mm (R9)
128/130 x 1233/1235 x 28mm
148/150 x 1233/1235 x 28mm
310/312 x 595/597 x 28mm (R9)
138/140 x 595/597 x 28mm
320/322 x 595/597 x 28mm (R9)
328/329 x 644/646 x 23mm (R9)
158/160 x 644/646 x 23mm
178/180 x 644/646 x 23mm
341/343 x 1196/1197 x 40mm (R11)
115/117 x 1196/1198 x 23mm
341/343 x 1196/1197 x 40mm (R11 - guiding tile for the blind)
115/117 x 1196/1198 x 23mm
341/343 x 1398/1400 x 40mm (R11)
116/118 x 1398/1400 x 23mm
341/343 x 1398/1400 x 40mm (R11 - guiding tile for the blind)
116/118 x 1398/1400 x 23mm
348/350 x 1498/1500 x 28mm (R9)
348/350 x 1548/1550 x 40mm (R9)
158/160 x 1548/1550 x 28mm
158/160 x 1548/1550 x 40mm
350/352 x 1300/1302 x 40mm (R9)
200 x 1300 x 28mm
98/100 x 1299/1301 x 28mm
393/395 x 393/395 x 28mm (R9 with extra ´nut´)
114/116 x 393/395 x 28mm
498/500 x 1348/1350 x 28mm (R9)
118/120 x 1348/1350 x 28mm
Steps without slide suspension grooves | R9 - R10 - R11
350/352 x 1298/1300 x 28mm (surface R9)
300/302 x 1350/1352 x 28mm (surface R10)
Skirting boards | R9
98/99 x 288/289 x 18mm
98/99 x 297/299 x 18mm
98/99 x 395/396 x 18mm
98/100 x 595/597 x 18mm
98/100 x 597/599 x 18mm
Tactile paving [top]
Guiding tile, interior R9 ( smooth surface )
159/160,5 x 295/296,5 x 18mm
Attention tile, interior R9 ( smooth surface )
296/297 x 296/297 x 15/18mm
Guiding and attention tiles, exterior R10 ( rough surface )
296/297,5 x 296/297,5 x 40mm
296/298 x 296/298 x 50mm
296/298,5 x 296/298,5 x 60mm
296/299 x 296/299 x 70mm
296/299 x 296/299 x 80mm
Colours [top]
Standard colours